Sociology at UC Merced emphasizes the areas of social stratification/inequality, immigration, race/ethnicity, gender studies, education, political and collective empowerment, and globalization. With 17 faculty members, sociology registers some of the highest course enrollments on campus. Our nationally recognized faculty are affiliated with several graduate training initiatives on campus and frequently involve graduate and undergraduate students in ongoing research projects.
In a recent external program review by outside experts, the final report concluded that the sociology "program is very well aligned with the institutional priorities of UC Merced. UC Merced’s focus on teaching, research, and public service — is directly connected with the Sociology unit’s priorities and mission. The faculty members in this unit appear to be deeply engaged in their teaching, as evidenced not only by their stated commitment to students, but also from the perspectives of the graduate and undergraduate students we interviewed. Their research is well-renowned; this is a group of faculty members who are making path-breaking and essential contributions to sociological knowledge."