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Sociology Ph.D. graduate alumnus Alejandro Zermeño
Sociology Boasts 11 Tenure-Track Faculty Placements in Its Short History
UC Merced’s Sociology Department has already begun shaping the future of the professoriate.
The Sociology bookcase on the second floor of Classroom and Office 2 Building.
Nationally Recognized Faculty
Our nationally recognized Sociology faculty have published numerous books and earned many awards.
Sociology Graduate Students in Class with Professor Almeida
Professor Whitney Laster Pirtle during a class lecture
Fellowship Allows Professor Laster Pirtle Renewed Focus on Sociology of Race in South Africa
Professor Beattie and Graduate Student Awarded Grant to Study Teacher Retention

Sociology at
UC Merced

Sociology at UC Merced emphasizes the areas of social stratification/inequality, immigration, race/ethnicity, gender studies, education, political and collective empowerment, and globalization. With 17 faculty members, sociology registers some of the highest course enrollments on campus.

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Featured Books

Authors: Daisy Verduzco Reyes
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Laura Hamilton
Authors: Marjorie S. Zatz
Social Movements: The Structure of Collective Mobilization
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Zulema Valdez
Authors: Irenee Beattie
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Meredith Van Natta
Authors: Yang Lor
Authors: Zulema Valdez
Authors: Zulema Valdez
Authors: Whitney Pirtle
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Tanya Golash-Boza
Authors: Charlie Eaton
Authors: Edward Flores
Movimientos sociales by Paul Almeida
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Laura Hamilton
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Tanya Golash-Boza
Authors: Nella Van Dyke
Authors: Tanya Golash-Boza
Authors: Tanya Golash-Boza
Authors: Tanya Golash-Boza
Authors: Tanya Golash-Boza
Authors: Nella Van Dyke
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Laura Hamilton
Authors: Edward Flores
Authors: Paul Almeida
Authors: Tanya Golash-Boza

Our Faculty

Our students have the opportunity to work one-on-one with nationally and internationally recognized researchers to understand complex problems affecting society.


Apply Now

If you’re ready to immerse yourself in understanding social movements, inequality or immigration, UC Merced is waiting for you.


Featured News

December 17, 2024

The Sociology Department is proud to announce that Jovana Ramos has successfully defended her dissertation and earned her PhD. Her research, titled “The Journey to a Bachelor’s Degree:...

December 10, 2024

We are pleased to announce that Bryan Amos has officially earned his Doctorate! After successfully defending his dissertation titled “The Roots of Eugenics: Tracing the Origins and Development...

December 6, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that René Becerra has successfully defended his PhD dissertation! His research, titled "The Lifecycle of a Lifestyle Movement: Exploring Patterns and Trajectories of...