Professor Eugenio Sosa, a sociologist from the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), visited campus the week of September 24. He met with students and faculty on multiple occasions, offered a guest lecture in an immigration course, and gave a talk on social movements and democratic crisis in Honduras on September 28. The events were sponsored by the UCM Center for the Humanities and the Mesoamerican Studies Center (MASC) with additional support from the Sociology Department and the Central Americans For Empowerment (CAFÉ) student organization.
The activities were also part of an MOU agreement between UC Merced and UNAH signed back in 2016 promoting the exchange of students and faculty between universities. UC Merced sent a contingent of Sociology and Humanities graduate students to the UNAH for a sociology conference in the summer of 2016. Professor Sosa’s visit represents a continuation of the academic exchange between UC Merced and universities in Mexico and Central America.