Associate Professor Charlie Eaton’s latest paper, "Elite Embeddedness: The Rise of Financiers on University Boards as Parallel Social Organizations", published in Socio-Economic Review, explores how private equity and hedge fund managers have increasingly gained trustee positions at elite universities. The study reveals how this trend reflects the growing influence of financiers and their ability to secure higher investment returns through their social connections within these prestigious institutions.
Abstract: We develop a theory of elite embeddedness in which social organizations parallel to the economy can provide advantages via private information and reciprocity from other elites. The growing representation of private equity and hedge fund managers on university boards of trustees is analyzed to show how this increasingly wealthy sub-group of financiers gained elite social ties despite the decline of bank-based interlocks between corporate boards. We find evidence that financiers secured trustee positions both because of their high rates of elite degree holding and their attraction to trustee appointments at the most selective schools. We also find that private equity firms attained higher investment returns when their general partners held more trustee positions. The results suggest that benefits accrue to elite intermediaries from social closure in parallel social organizations such as universities.